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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

One Caribbean Radio The Global Mix

Demerara Waves: Linden Headmaster defying TSC on promotion of illiterates; broad consultations planned

Published - November 30, 2010

Haiti's six leading presidential candidates. From top left are (clockwise): Jacques Edouard Alexis, Mirlande Manigat, Jude Celestin, Jean Henri Ceant, Charles-Henri Baker and Joseph Michel Martelly

The Headmaster of the Christianburg-Wismar Secondary School, Cleveland Thomas on Tuesday vowed that he would not be promoting illiterate students, despite a directive by the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) that he should comply with the controversial policy.

“No I cannot do that, that’s a sin; you must work in order to earn this promotion,” Thomas told demerarawaves.com

Thomas said the TSC has not disciplined him but he remained adamant that the guidelines do not award merit. “Even though there may be guidelines I cannot follow those guidelines because they cut across my belief system,” he said.

Read more at Demerara Waves

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